Think of something in your real life that you could create a logo for. For example, if you involved in an intramural sports team, you could make a team logo. If you are struggling to find something you want to make a logo for, and then pretend you are the owner of a company that needs a logo. You get to come up with the purpose of the company and the logo should reflect the company purpose.
You will create an image, but first you have to go through some training and planning phases, just as a programmer would do. Programming, systems analysis and design, and database management all require extensive planning. Note that while creating the illustration is the fun part, this project is about planning and documentation as much as it is about creating the logo.

1. Decide whether you want to create an image for the web or for print:
- Fireworks - create images for the web (mainly working on editing an existing image)
- Illustrator-create images for print (creating an image from scratch)
2. Go to install Adobe Creative Suite 6 (Design Premium), use WAnyware for CS6, OR use the appropriate program on campus (UITS labs) if you choose not to install Adobe CS6. You can use older versions of Creative Suite.
3. Refer to IT Training downloads for training which are also posted in Canvas > Files > Adobe CS6 Instructions where you will see a folder for Fireworks and a folder for Illustrator. Within each folder there is a .pdf file, which are the instructions. The other files are needed to work through the training. Plan on 3 hours to work through these materials.
4. Plan the image
a. Decide how you want to convey your company image through a logo
b. What do you want the final product to look like?
Recall that it should project something related to the technology problem/issue you decided upon
c. What product (Fireworks or Illustrator) will you need to use to get the final product to look like you want it
d. Plan the steps involved in creating the final product based on tools, effects, etc.
e. Your plan at this point will likely be a sketch with notes on paper
5. Create the Image. Have fun with this but keep in mind that planning is as much a part of this project as creating and having a wonderful image at the end of the project. Do not spend ALL your time creating the image. Play with the program and create something, but the purpose of this project requires you to write a report so make sure you spend time on the report as well. You can always tweak your image on your own time after the semester is over!
6. Save your project file and export it for viewing. To view the image, you will need to save it as an image file (jpg, png, bmp, etc.). WHY? (See FILE MANAGEMENT REVISITED: TIIE IMPORTANCE OF FILE EXTENSIONS sidebar).

7. Document your work in a formal report. Use Word to write it and then save It as a PDF.
- Your repot should be neat and organized with your name, date, and purpose of the report
- Format your report in professional mannerusing appropriate headings for
a. what you had to do to "train" to use your chosen program (for example, if some part of the program or the entire program was new to you, what did you do to learn how to use it)
b. planning (describe the planning phase in words and you can also provide a sketch in your report)
c. ultimate end product if you had to stop short of it for this project - tell us what it will be if it is not already that
d. De sure that the reader of the report understands the purpose of the image - what will the image be used for
- Write as if what you write will either sell the image or not - this means you want to use your best writing and communication skills in completing your report
- Conclude your Project Report by reflecting on connections among Systems Analysis and Design, Databases, and Programming using the following guidelines:
a. What this assignment has taught you about the Object-Oriented programming concept; be sure to use 00 terminology to express your thoughts; connections to 00 programming may be difficult to make, but you should be able to make some
b. Compare the planning process in this project (programming planning) to the planning and analysis phases of the system development life cycle (SDLC);
for example, consider documentation tools such as use case templates and diagrams
c. Minimum of 300 words for the reflection/conclusion portion
d. Poor grammar and spelling will result in points deducted in the final Project Report
8. Submit the report as PDF and the exported image from Illustrator or Fireworks.
9. This assignment will be graded on your image quality based on your plan, function/purpose, and your reflection quality (application and synthesis of concepts from Chapters 10 - 12 and others, if applicable).