
What things made the interview difficult or

After you complete your interview, provide a thoughtful discussion of the following:

How did you prepare for the interview? Be sure to list the questions used in your interview and provide a brief summary of the content of your interview.

How long was the interview? How much effort was required to keep the interview to the required 10-20 minute timeframe?

What things made the interview difficult or uncomfortable? Be as specific as possible. For example, were there things you or your client said or did during the interview that were uncomfortable?

What factors made the interview welcoming and comfortable? Again be as specific as possible.

Did you think you were effective in probing and obtaining information?

As appropriate, cite the online content, the textbook, and other credible, scholarly sources to substantiate the points you are making.

Apply APA standards for writing and citations to your work.

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Other Subject: What things made the interview difficult or
Reference No:- TGS01129591

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