Instruction - Write an essay of between 1,000 - 1,200 words on ONE of the following questions.
Question to Write About
According to Antonio Damasio, the split that Cartesian dualism perceives between the mind and the brain has had at least 2 major negative effects on the worlds of science and medicine.
Summarise these 2 negative effects and explain to what extent you agree with Damasio that their effect has in fact been negative.
What theory of the mind-body relationship does Damasio propose instead of Cartesian dualism, and to what extent do you find it attractive and plausible? Please refer to the sad stories of Phineas Gage and Elliot in your answer.
Please note: The purpose of your essay is to:
1) Report on the research you have done
2) If appropriate, raise alternative points of view and considerations ignored or neglected by your sources
3) Articulate and defend your personal perspectives on these issues
The central skills you will be developing in this assignment are:
- Critical Thinking and Analytical Reasoning
- The Ability to Articulate and Defend Your Perspective in Writing.
Essay Guidelines: Please read carefully!
Your essay MUST contain several references to and quotations from the attached FOUR READING PDFS. These must be referenced properly, according to APA guidelines.