
What theories or models could i apply to this information

Redaing : Nike Considered: Getting Traction on Sustainability By Rebecca Henderson, Richard M. Locke, Christopher Lyddy, Cate Reavis

Please see information below regarding the case study.

Individually, you are expected to have done your research on the topic and have prepared to discuss the case with your group members.
Guidelines for case preparation

How to approach a case:

First Reading - A rapid first reading of the case is helpful in getting a general idea of what the case is about. The objective in the first reading is to become familiar with the type of business, the apparent problems, the kinds of information, the people, their roles and responsibilities, and other major factors involved in the case.

Determine Perspective - In case analysis, you must assume an active role by taking the perspective of the decision-maker in the case. Your approach should be, "What would I do if I were this person?"

Remember that it is about "what would I do now, given what has transpired" - it is not about "What should I have done". Certainly you will need to analyze the past to make sense of the situation, but your goal is NOT to figure out who to blame. Rather, it is about what options should I consider and what should I do now.

Second Reading - The second reading is conducted slowly and carefully in order to gain a comprehensive grasp of the facts. A thorough second reading facilitates the organization and analysis of the facts and the identification of any inconsistencies in the case.

After the careful second reading, the focus moves to completing the case analysis format outlined below.

Elements of this case analysis:

1. Identification of problems and issues - Problems and issues in the case need to be identified and prioritized. This step is crucial as it will provide the basis of your analysis. When identifying problems and issues it is useful to ask yourself the following questions:

a) Have I listed the problems and issues in order of importance and immediacy?

b) Have I identified underlying problems or merely symptoms of problems?

c) Are the problems I have identified free of judgement and evaluation, i.e., have I been objective?

2. Define the goal of the Corporate Responsibility VP.

3. Complete a thorough SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis to the implementation of an effective Corporate Responsibility strategy at Nike - In this step, application theory is utilized to determine the causes and implications of the identified
problems: The following questions may also prove helpful in your analysis:

a) What are the facts? (Distinguish between case fact and someone's opinion).

b) What inferences can I make from the facts? Do the facts support the inferences I have made?

c) What theories or models could I apply to this information in order to better understand what is going on and why?

d) Have I made good use of theory/models relating to CSR?

e) Have I examined the apparent consistencies and inconsistencies in the case?

f) Are there multiple causes to the identified problems?

g) Have I drawn clear implications and conclusions from my analysis?

4. Comment on the importance of employee motivation and the use of rewards/awards in the CR process as "learning and motivational tools"

5. Discuss the inter-related nature of corporate responsibility, environmental sustainability
and the bottom line

6. Discuss the major possible options VP Jones may consider in order to improve upon

Considered's strategy going forward

a) Do my recommendations fit my analysis?

b) Am I consistent?

c) Have I addressed all the identified problems and issues in my proposed solution?

d) Have I identified the implications of my recommendations?

e) Have I been specific and clear in my recommendations?

f) Would I know what to do to implement my plan if I were reading the analysis for the first time?

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Dissertation: What theories or models could i apply to this information
Reference No:- TGS02715511

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