
What the program will be doing and how they should enter

Write a C program that determines the miles per gallon for 3 tanks of gasoline that a user fills in his/her car. 
We will explain to the user very clearly what the program will be doing and how they should enter data. 
The program should prompt the user to enter the number of gallons used and the number of miles driven for each of the 3 tanks of gas. The program should then calculate and display the miles per gallon obtained for each tank. Once processing is complete for the 3 tanks, the program will calculate the overall mileage(total gallons / total miles) and display a friendly "Goodbye" message as shown below. 
Once you create, compile, link and run your program, your program should present the following dialog to the user: 
Welcome to the Sears mileage calculator. This program will calculate the miles per gallon for you for three tanks of gas after 
you have entered the gallons used and miles driven. Enter the number of gallons used for tank #1: 12.8 
Enter the number of miles driven: 287.1 
*** The miles per gallon for this tank is 22.4 

Enter the number of gallons used for tank #2: 10.3 
Enter the number of miles driven: 200.2 
*** The miles per gallon for this tank is 19.4 

Enter the number of gallons used for tank #3: 5.2 
Enter the number of miles driven: 120.9 
*** The miles per gallon for this tank is 23.3 

Your overall average miles per gallon for three tanks is 21.5 
Thanks for using the program. 
Note: The coral text represents the "output" from your program and is shown for clarity 
only here. It is not required that your output be in this color. (Do not even attempt to 
try!). Also note that what the user types in is indicated by the blue area above. Again, for 
clarity only. The first two lines may be any suitable message to the user. After that the 
program should run as above. The output spacing is important. Please feel free to 
substitute your name (or just Acme) for mine in the introductory statement! I did not provide an algorithm for this assignment, however I have included several 
hints below. :-)
* In this program you will variables of type int, and type float. 
* This program requires an introductory statement to the user. 
* This program requires a loop structure (a for loop is best, or while or do -- your 
* The loop requires 3 printf statements: 1 to prompt the user for the "number of miles 
driven"; 1 to prompt for "number of gallons used"; and a third to display the calculated 
"miles per gallon for this tank". 
* The loop also requires 2 scanf statements: 1 to "read in" the number of gallons used 
which is input by the user; and a second to "read in" the number of miles driven, which is 
also input by the user. 
* This program requires 3 calculations within the loop - one for the current mileage, and 
two accumulators to add up the total miles and total gallons used for the final 
* This program requires another printf statement (outside the for loop) to display the 
average for all tanks. 
* The loop index can be used to display the current tank calculation. 

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C/C++ Programming: What the program will be doing and how they should enter
Reference No:- TGS079635

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