
What the overall impact of religion on the landscape is


Some of the earliest communities in this country were based around the geographic placement of the church in the village. People have often built their homes based on proximity to the local church. Particular cathedrals and churches in Europe are some examples of the finest, most magnificent architecture ever created, and often times, these entities are centuries old.

Choose an example of a physical structure that is dedicated to religion or spiritual focus and discuss the impact it has had on the local landscape.

1) Did people have to severely modify the landscape in order to worship their God (in your example)? Is it a simple structure, and therefore a simple religion? What is it made of?

2) Did people have to import materials for its construction? Does it play more than a religious role (economic, political)? Why is it still there? (Think outside the box!)

3) And why do these places matter?

We are creating spaces based on our own human desires/beliefs. Using your example, discuss why these places matter and what the overall impact of religion on the landscape is, was, or will be in the future.

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