Assignment task:
Levels of Measurement: Categorical vs. Continuous Data; Descriptive Statistics and Probability Theory Basics
What is the incidence of blood clots from COVID-19 in females over the age of 35?
The above question is an example of a research question. A research question consists of three parts and guides the methods and approaches in which you will study the question to find answers. The research question includes the question, the topic, and the population or variables. In the example provided above, the question examines the prevalence of blood clots from severe COVID-19 in a selected population. From this question, the variables can be assessed, considerations can be analyzed, and populations can be sampled in order to guide the research.
For this Discussion, you will analyze a selected work to identify and analyze the variables, comparisons, and sample sizes. You will explore the potential levels of measurement for your variables and the rationale for the labels, as well as consider the advantages and challenges that you might experience in the statistical analysis. Need Assignment Help?
Reference: Gray, J. R., & Grove, S. K. (2020). Burns and Grove's the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (9th ed.). Elsevier.
To prepare:
- View the required media.
- It is recommended you complete the quiz prior to constructing your initial response.
Post a response including the following:
- Choose a research study, QI article, or EBP DNP project and interpret at least one continuous demographic variable and one categorical variable.
- Differentiate between comparisons made using descriptive statistics (e.g., the mean and standard deviation) and comparisons based on inferential statistics (e.g., a t test).
- Compare and contrast the sample sizes used in the research study, the QI project, and the DNP project in terms of type 1 and type 2 errors.
- Explain the SIR rate, how it is developed, and how organizations use it.
- Using the same articles, pick one and differentiate between one descriptive and one inferential statistic used in any one of the three studies/projects.