
What the film says and means about the world and

The movie you have chosen for this term paper is Malcolm X. Please review these instructions for completion of paper

Tech specs for submissions to Film Reports in your LEO Assignments folder:300+ words; 1-inch margins all around; 12 pt. font; double-spaced; name, title and page number in footer or header on every page; title your Report with the name of the film on which you are reporting, centered, in bold font; you may also expand the title as you please, according to your approach in your writing.

Please submit your Report as a Word document with the extension .doc and not .docx

These Film Reports may consider, comment on, and interconnect the aesthetic and technical aspects of the films, such as:

•editing, montage, filmic structure

•cinematography, camerawork, lighting




•production design, sets, costumes, special effects, style

•music and sound

Equally (if not more) important will be to consider and write about the following:

•what (and how) do movies mean?

•theme, content, genre, intention, audience

•social dimension and function: what the film says and means about the world, and particularly today's multi-cultures (in all their broad meanings and permutations)

•personal dimension: how the film affects you personally (identification, engagement, pleasure, excitement, alienation, boredom, etc. - how and why?)

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Other Subject: What the film says and means about the world and
Reference No:- TGS02715785

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