
What the effects of electronic games on children - what

what the effects of electronic games on children?

Part I: Article Identification

The full citation of the article (in APA format) should be listed first. Use

Part II: What was found (5 pts. total; 1 pt. per "bullet" below)

This section should contain the following information in no more than three paragraphs:

• The rationale behind the study (the broad area that was being studied)
• The objective of the study (what did the researchers set out to find?)
• The method(s) used in the study
• The findings of the study
• The authors' conclusions

Part III: Your reflection

This section should address the following issues:

• Was the paper clearly written? Did the authors/researchers clarify key vocabulary related to the research topic or question?

• What were pros and cons of the research method(s) that was/were used?

• Was the topic significant and relevant to education? Why/why not?

• What problems do you see with the obtained results? Are there confounding variables or other issues that weren't taken into account when the study was designed?

• What questions remain unanswered?

• Could these aforementioned questions have been answered in this study with a better research design?

• What research logically follows from the current study (What is the "next step") ?

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Physics: What the effects of electronic games on children - what
Reference No:- TGS0614958

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