
What the critical period for language is

Problem 1: Watch the 10-minute TED talk, The Linguistic Genius of Babies, and explain how this video helped understand what the critical period for language is.

Problem 2: Read the short article, "How Parents Can Promote Learning through Guided Play."  Pretend you want to teach your 4-year-old cousin how to ride a bicycle.  Explain what you would do to teach the needed skills using a scaffolding process.

Problem 3: What do you think is the greatest challenge for emerging adults today?  Explain why.

Problem 4: A web search to find scholarly information (a web site, article, or video) on the life review process in late adulthood.  Provide the URL.  According to the information found, explain why engaging in a life review is important for elderly people.

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Reference No:- TGS03328910

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