
What tests will you do to see if a cat is working what are

Part One: Test Design and Justification

Subject knowledge:

1. What are the different kinds of converters?

a. Oxidation

b. Reduction

c. ???

2. How do catalytic converters work?

a. What does each require in order to work?

i.  Feed-gas

ii. Temperature

iii. ???

3. What are the current test options?

a. OBD II Scan tool

b. Oscilloscope

c. 5-gas

d. ???

4. How effective are these different tests?

5. What would tailpipe emissions look like for a working cat?

6. What should pre-cat emissions be for maximum life of the cat?

a. Is there a difference for maximum efficiency of the cat?

b. Does a cat work better with a wide band or narrow band air/fuel ratio sensor?

Test Design

1. What tests will you do to see if a cat is working?

2. What are the cut-points for failure?

a. Can you assign percentage values to any of the tests?

3. What conditions need to be present to do an accurate test?

4. How to display test results?

Part Two: Validating Your Testing Procedures.

Upon instructor approval of your testing procedures perform the tests on a selection of vehicles and record the data.

1) Testing the procedure on at least six vehicles using a gas analyzer. (You may use your own.)

2) Two vehicles must have pre and post cat readings.

3) At least one vehicle should be done on the chassis dyno or highway to attempt to validate the OBD II System

4) As you do these tests and review the results what assumptions can you make about the validity of your tests?

5) Will they be a repeatable set of test procedures?

6) What kinds of concerns did you have during testing?

Part Three: Creation of a Final Report.

Using the following model and instructions create a report detailing your research for your tests, tests determined to be used, results of the testing, viability of tests for future use.

Executive Summary

High level overview of the project and your results

The Problem Statement

Research valid test procedures and use, modify, and/or create a test procedure that you can run in the school lab and duplicate across multiple vehicles.

The Project

What tests will you use and why?

The Results

Test result analysis, is the procedure viable and repeatable?

Changes Needed

After or during the testing part of the project did you determine the need to change your methods?


Websites, books, people you interviewed, project status reports, and raw data test results.

On the following page is a status report that needs to be submitted by the team leader or any member of the team at least once a week and after every lab or working session.

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Other Subject: What tests will you do to see if a cat is working what are
Reference No:- TGS0972812

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