What tests will be ordered to confirm the diagnosis


Bea is a 50-year-old woman who comes to her doctor complaining of indigestion with severe pain. She is obese, sedentary, and past menopause. Her physician discovers a very tender abdominal area just below her right rib cage and questions her about her symptoms. She reports having problems after eating any meal with cheese and sour cream (which she loves). There is intense pain that is momentarily relieved by belching, and sometimes she becomes so nauseated that she vomits.

• Question I: What disease does Bea's doctor suspect? List the characteristic signs of this disease. List the characteristic symptoms. List additional characteristics that have not been reported by this patient.

• Question II: Name Bea's risk factors for disease. Which factors could be changed, and which ones cannot?

• Question III: What complications might this patient face? What is her long-term prognosis?

• Question IV: What tests will be ordered to confirm the diagnosis?

• Question V: What are the treatment options for Bea?

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Reference No:- TGS03267044

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