
What terms suggest that toussaints view of saint-domingue

Toussaint L'Ouverture

  1. What terms suggest that Toussaint's view of Saint-Domingue is protonationalistic, i.e., that he is writing and thinking about Saint-Domingue as a separate entity from France?
  2. As a voice for the people of Saint-Domingue, how does Toussaint connect their self-consciousness as a people to the experience of emancipation from slavery?
  3. Elsewhere in The Black Jacobins, C.L.R. James faults Toussaint for not being able to imagine a final break with France. Do you find that Toussaint is more submissive toward or more independent of French authority in "Letter to the French Directory"?
  4. Do you agree that the French engraving of Toussaint is derogatory?
  5. Compare and contrast the image of Toussaint that emerges from Jacob Lawrence's series of paintings with the persona you see in the "Letter to the French Directory."

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Other Subject: What terms suggest that toussaints view of saint-domingue
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