
What teaching is needed to address actual hazards

Assignment Task 1:

Introduction: The link between the environment and health has been well established. Both natural and manmade environments can affect the health of individuals who live in the community. The nurse must be cognizant of the individual's home environment impact so that preventive and corrective actions can be taken to reduce health risks.

Instructions: Using the Home Environmental Health and Safety Assessment Tool to assess the home of a friend, neighbor, relative, etc.  Do not assess your own home for the purposes of this assignment. Using data collected from your Home Environmental Health and Safety Assessment tool, thoroughly discuss each of the following.

Q1. What actual hazards did you find? 

Q2. What potential hazards were identified?

Q3. What teaching is needed to address actual hazards?  Discuss the teaching information you would provide to the homeowner. Include evidence-based recommendations.

Q4. What teaching is needed to prevent hazards and enhance the homeowner's environment safety?  Discuss the information you would provide to the homeowner. Include evidence-based recommendations. Need Assignment Help?

Q5. What referrals are necessary to address with the homeowner regarding actual and/or potential hazards? Discuss any actual and/or potential referrals that might be beneficial to the homeowner that are located within his/her community. 

Assignment Task 2:

Introduction: Most people assume that water is safe to drink, and the air is safe to breathe. By exploring environmental issues, you will understand how simple changes in the environment can impact the health status of individuals and communities. Nurses needs to take a proactive role in identifying and modifying the impact of environmental risks to promote a healthy environment.

Instructions: Continue your exploration of environmental public health at ephtracking dot cdc dot gov/show.  Click on items that interest you to review information for better health. Navigate to the "INFO BY LOCATION". Enter your home county and view the results. Discuss the following questions.  Each response should be 150 words or less.

My county is Dallas County, Alabama. We do have a papermill in this county.

1. Discuss the air quality for your home county.

2. Choose an environmental health issue or concern in your community (hazardous   waste site, contaminated well water, etc.). Discuss the hazard, including the effects on people and the interventions that could or should take place.

3. Discuss the role the community should take in monitoring health, raising awareness, promoting education and advocacy and reducing or eliminating the hazard.

*Please include references when needed.

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Other Subject: What teaching is needed to address actual hazards
Reference No:- TGS03454941

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