5 talent Themes identified:
• Focus
• Positivity
• Maximiser
• Learner
• Responsibility
For each of your 5 Themes identified, Answer the following 2 questions:
a) As you read your personal Strengths Insights Guide, what three words, phrases, or lines stand out to you?
b) Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?
Provide 3 examples of experiences (stories) in your life where you proudly showcased one or more of the talent Themes identified
a) Describe the experience including: When and Where did this occur? What was your role when this occurred? Who was helped, affected, or impacted by the occurrence?
b) What talent Theme(s) did you demonstrate in this story?
c) When you think about this experience/story how did you feel while you were experiencing it?