
What system would have prevented the outage from occurring

Question: The organization you are working for recently had a server failure during a power outage. This caused several pieces of manufacturing equipment to enter an errored state that had to be manually cleared by the vendor. This outage took several hours to repair and cost the organization several hundred thousand in lost production. In reviewing the issue, you logged the following series of events. The power went out and emergency lighting came on. The generator came online, and the transfer switch moved power over to the generator within 15 seconds. The power then was restored to the building. During this time the servers went down. What system would have prevented the outage from occurring? Answers A. A smart surge protector B. An uninterruptable power supply C. A power conditioner D. An industrial transfer switch with 5 second latency


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Other Subject: What system would have prevented the outage from occurring
Reference No:- TGS03397203

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