
What surprised you about the puritans


A. How do you understand Orthodoxy to be most profoundly different from Western forms of Christianity such as Roman Catholicism or Protestantism? What this the fundamental human problem for Orthodox Christians? How would you describe theosis and how does it inform the spiritual journey of an Orthodox Christian?

B. In short Church History articles covering everything from the Puritan work ethic and character to how Jonathan Edwards might speak to today, what surprised you about the Puritans? What is one new thing you learned about them? How can you see their legacy still alive in America today? Comment on how you see their outlook or values still shaping our ideas about work, money, virtue, etc.

C. Aimee Semple McPherson and Nadia Bolz Weber. How did each come to be preachers? What two adjectives would use to describe each? Discuss how they are similar and how they differ from one another. Finally, if you could hear one of them preach, which one would it be and why?

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