At least 6 pages of content minimum (not including cover page or table of contents) and should include at least 5 references as well as at least 3 relevant academic journal articles.
- Reflect on a Group Consulting Project experience and connect it to concepts and theories academia research.
- Describe how your group/team evolved over the course of the project including:
- What were the dynamics that occurred between the members and within the group? How do they compare to a textbook description of group dynamics?
- What structure emerged for the group?
- How did the group's process compare to the process described in the textbook?
- Was there any conflict that may have arisen in the group? How was it resolved? How does this compare to the process of conflict described in a textbook?
- Did the group have a leader? If so, how were they chosen?
- What communication issues were encountered in the group? How were the problems resolved?
- Compare and contrast your intra-group conflict experience with techniques presented in the course.
Include the following:
Table of Contents
Introduction section about the topic and your group
Summary and "lessons-learned / take-aways" from the project experience