
What stresses are produced in the bolt and in the tube

A 0.5-in.-diameter steel [E = 30,000 ksi] bolt (1) is placed in a copper tube (2), as shown in fig. P5.47. The copper [E = 16,000 ksi] tube has an outside diameter of 1.00 in., a wall thickness of 0.125 in., and a length L = 8.0in. Rigid washers, each with a thickness of t = 0.125 in., cap the ends of the copper tube. The bolt has 20 threads per inch. This means that each time the nut is turned one complete revolution, the nut advances 0.05 in. (i.e., 1/20in). The nut is hand-tightened on the bolt until the bolt, nut, washers, and tube are just snug, meaning that all slack has been removed from the assembly, but no stress has yet been induced. What stresses are produced in the bolt and in the tube if the nut is tightened an additional quarter turn past the snug-tight condition?

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Mechanical Engineering: What stresses are produced in the bolt and in the tube
Reference No:- TGS0714734

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