
What strengths can you identify in the family

Assignment Task: Read the following case study:

Michael asks to speak with you briefly after the fourth group session.

He tells you that he is even more anxious than he was a few weeks ago, and it is "spilling over and impacting my wife and kids." 

Recently he received a call from his 11-year-old son Charlie's school, that Charlie is acting uncharacteristically aggressive with other children in his class. His wife, Barbara, immediately went to the school and spoke with the teacher.

Michael also reports that his typically vivacious 14-year-old daughter, Rachel, seems more withdrawn. He has reached out to her on several occasions to talk about what is going on, but she's had difficulty describing her feelings.  

Things have been more tense between him and his wife, he states, "we've been fighting over really stupid stuff." He said both he and his wife have noticed the change, and feel badly about hurting each other's feelings.

He says that he thinks his entire family needs some help.

You suggest that they make an appointment to come in as a family to meet with you, and he agrees

Reflect on beginning family work with Michael and his family, and answer the following questions:

Q1. What strengths can you identify in the family at this point?

Q2. What do you think would be most challenging for you about beginning work with them? What are your thoughts and feelings?

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Reference No:- TGS03236319

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