
What strengths and shortcomings were apparent in the

Answer the questions after reading the book and be careful for these:

1- use easy words and simple english.

2- no plagiarism . because i will in addition to submitting thesis to Turnitin
3- highlight the answer on the book , and mention the answer pages on the answer sheet.

Reading response memo Student Discussion leader Natalie Helton ( chapter 2&4) from bookshelf Planning Local Economic Development

Each week, students will be required to respond in writing to the reading topic by analyzing and applying the concepts from the reading to economic development in practice. These responses will be submitted electronically via the course Blackboard page prior to class.

Students should critically reflect on the concepts and lessons they draw from the week's readings, and apply those concepts as they are observed in economic development practice in the world around us. Successful (A-level) memos will include references to one or more articles or other news items that reflect current economic development issues and connect to the week's topic, and analyze the way(s) example(s) relate to, reflect, and/or conflict with the principles laid out in the course readings for the week.

Your thoughtful write-ups should be equivalent to approximately 1-2 single-spaced pages and should address the following questions:

a. What substantive insights into the week's topic did you gain from the readings?

b. What benefits, advantages, tensions, conflicts, trade-offs, or challenges relative to economic development came across in the readings in terms of implementing a particular process, tool, or strategy and its prospects for achieving successful outcomes?

c. What strengths and shortcomingswere apparent in the author(s)' discussion? Which points seemed reasonable? Which assertions were problematic? Why?

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