
What strategy would you use to remain aware of your feelings


Case Illustration:

You are a social worker employed as a case manager for a multi-service family program (i.e., services include addiction and mental health counseling; case management; transportation and companionship to doctor's appointment for the elders; employment and housing as well as legal information and referral; English as a Second Language instruction facilitated by volunteers; advocacy). You received the following referral and were asked by your supervisor to conduct an intake - assessment and develop a plan of action if the client is admitted for services.

"Angela is a 18 years old, white single mother, who is currently pregnant with her second baby. Angela has been with the same boyfriend, Tony, since she was fourteen. During her pregnancies, Tony has not been very supportive, blaming her for becoming pregnant.

Angela has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. The physician has advised Angela to eat a special and balanced diet in order to avoid complications during pregnancy and delivery.

Angela lives at home with her mother, Tanya, and two younger brothers, Mike 14 and Errol 16 years old. The house where Angela and her family live is not in good living condition. For example, the plumbing is rusty and at times the pipes get clogged. Also, the roof frequently leaks after a day of rain. The landlord seems careless about the conditions of the house.

Angela's mother has a boyfriend, Anthony, who stays at the house frequently. He has participated in several alcohol/drug detoxification programs. However, he still uses cocaine "occasionally." On one occasion, while Angela's mother was at work, Anthony was under the influence of cocaine and attempted to sexually assault Angela. Angela told her mother, who did not believe her. Although Anthony continues to use cocaine, this incident has not been repeated. However, ever since Angela told her mother about Anthony's behavior, the relationship between Angela and her mother has not been the same. Angela often feels misunderstood and devalued by her mother.

Angela dropped out of school two years ago, after the birth of her first child. She has been receiving federal assistance (i.e., Temporary Assistance for Needy Families). Angela, however, received a letter from the Department of Social Services indicating that she is required to look for employment and/or participate in job training as a condition for receiving aid. Because of childcare demands, current pregnancy, lack of transportation, and lack of resources (e.g., family support), Angela indicates that it has been difficult to find a job. However, Angela feels optimistic that her condition will change eventually.

Angela has several friends and extended family members who often provide her emotional support, but are not able to help her otherwise because they find themselves in similar conditions. Angela's goal is to eventually move out of her mother's house. However, she fears not being able to support herself and her children.

Angela is also having difficulties attending her appointments for prenatal care, due to lack of transportation. She feels that the physician is not able to understand her situation. Her physician has told her that she needs to become more responsible and less neglectful. Angela emphasizes that the physician treats her like a child, often ignoring her suggestions and comments. In addition, the staff from the clinic often gives Angela forms that she does not know how to fill out.


A. What is / are possible presented strengths and challenges encountered by the client / clients (Note: remember to provide evidence - what are presented risk factors and protective factors? Consider the use of the ecological approach discussed in class while assessing circumstances, resources and lack off)?

B. How would you approach this case (i.e., what theoretical lens or lenses would you use and why? What possible ethical issues would you consider and why? What areas may need further assessment in order to clarify any possible misunderstanding? How would you go about prioritizing challenges observed while attempting to develop a case management plan? What tasks and professional roles would you engage in to serve the client / clients?)

C. What strategies would you use to remain aware of your feelings, values, and biases as well as approaches for assessing service effectiveness?

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Reference No:- TGS03270699

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