
What strategies did walmart develop and implement in order

This assignment is a group assignment. It is important that every group member must participate. It might be easier if each group will study the rubric and ask each member to complete a component of the assignment. You must be scholarly, supporting every claim with scholarly input.

1. See the attached Case the file "For Group Case." Read through the file. It is a SWOT analysis of Walmart.

  • Give a brief history of Walmart
  • Give the company's organizational structure
  • Based on the paper and the concepts learned in class, do an external analysis of Walmart. Support all your claims with pieces of scholarly evidence.
  • Based on the paper, do an internal analysis of Walmart. Support all your claims with pieces of scholarly evidence.
  • What strategies did Walmart develop and implement in order to have a competitive advantage and above average returns? Support all your claims with pieces of scholarly evidence.

What recommendations do your group have for Walmart?

2. Following the rubric attached, do the following:

3. Only one paper must be submitted for each group.

4. Your paper must be in APA style

5. Paper, excluding title page and references, must be, at least 7 pages.

6. A Reference list must be included, and in-text citations must match the articles in the reference list.

7. Proof-read your paper for grammatical errors, and make correct them before submitting your paper.

Attachment:- Case Study.rar

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Operation Management: What strategies did walmart develop and implement in order
Reference No:- TGS02689212

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