
What story does video tell about masculinity and femininity


Music Video: Still D.R.E. by Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg.

When watching the video, focus on masculinity and femininity. PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT FOCUS ON LYRICS. I WANT YOU TO FOCUS ON VISUAL IMAGES ONLY. By analyzing the setting, the props, the activities, body language and other aspects of the videos, you can decode the stories that are being presented.

IDENTIFY PROPS: What are the props that are used in the videos to help convey their messages. Props can be any of the following examples. Food, Animals, Cars and machines, musical instruments. Props can be things associated with the bodies like hair, clothing, or jewelry. How do these props advance the story about gender?

IDENTIFY THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE MAIN CHARACTER AND THE INCIDENTAL CHARACTERS: What is the relationship between the main character(s) in the video with the other actors/musicians. People can be props too. How do incidental characters interact with the main character? Are these people presented as if they have an individuality or are they are just a prop. Answer the question by looking at how the incidental people are dressed, what props they are handling, how they interact with the singers and the image they present.

MESSAGES ABOUT MASCULINITY AND FEMININITY: What story does the video tell about masculinity and femininity? Identify the way in which these images come together to define masculinity or femininity of the characters? There may be more than one masculinity or femininities you could identify. Define the type of masculinity or femininity most prevalent and give examples. For example, if you see the video presenting images of hegemonic masculinity, explain how.

INTERSECTIONS. When you identify masculinities or femininities make sure you recognize any intersections that might be present. Are race, social class, age, and sexuality presented in these images of masculinity or femininity? Give examples.

TONE OF THE VIDEO: What is the tone of the video? Does it glorify the images of gender constructions or does it critique them, or both.

OPINION OF THE VIDEO: What is your opinion of the video? Does it present a positive or negative message of masculinity or femininity, overall? Why?

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