What steps should taken to protect computer against botnets

DIsucussion: Botnet Defense

Botnets remain a challenge for Infosec Professionals, with millions spent annually on defense.

• As a security director, explain whether or not you would consider implementing a honeypot as a security control and why. Analyze honeypotting to determine if it is an optimal detection method for botnets and justify your answer. From the e-Activity, describe the privacy concerns with Internet service provider (ISP) packet detection. Decide whether or not you believe the government should demand that ISPs take more of a proactive approach in detecting and protecting against botnets. Provide a rationale with your response. Share a website or resource that shows how to setup a honeypot server. Share with your classmates, and include links to any useful resource you find.

After reading a few of your classmate's postings, reply to the ones from which you learned something new, or to which you have something to add. Remember to get in early and post often.

Additional post option: What steps should be taken to protect your computer against botnets?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Management Information Sys: What steps should taken to protect computer against botnets
Reference No:- TGS02072240

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