Wallmart facing the problem
Definition of a Problem: A situation, issue, policy, or practice this is difficult and perplexing but can be improved or solved.
- What is a current situation, policy, practice that you see as a problem?
- How do you know the current situation, practice, or policy is not beneficial?
- Can it be improved, changed, eliminated? How do you know?
Extent: Who/what does the problem hurt? In what way?When? For how long? With what results?
- Evidence that negative results are caused by this problem?
Origin: When did the problem start?
- Evidence of its origin?
Causes: What are some of the causes of the problem?
- Evidence that these are the causes?
- Evidence that these are the only or even chief causes?\
Attempts at Solutions: Has anyone before tried to solve this problem here or elsewhere? When? How? With what effect?
- Lessons learned from past attempts?
- Lessons learned from solutions to similar problems?
- What is your proposed solution?
- Why did you choose it over alternative solutions?
- If your solution is accepted, what benefits will be gained. By whom? How soon?
- What steps need to be taken to get ready to start putting your proposed solution into effect?
- What people need to be involved in planning the implementation of the solution?
- What steps need to be taken to implement your solution?
- What materials/equipment will be needed to accomplish each step?
- What facilities (space, utilities) will be needed at each step? How will they be used? For how long?
- What people will need to be involved at each step of the implementation? What will they need to know and do? For how long?
- How much will it cost for the people needed? How do you arrive at the total?
- How much will it cost for the materials/equipment? How do you arrive at the total?
- How much will it cost for facilities? How do you arrive at the total?
- What other direct costs will there be? How do you know?
- What are indirect costs (time lost by personnel; health benefits; insurance for equipment; unexpected delays)?
- What will be the total cost? How do you arrive at the total?
- How will this proposal be funded? Direct sources? Indirect sources? Evidence for availability of the needed funds?
- How long would it take to plan to start implementing the proposed solution?
- How did you arrive at this answer?
- How long will it take to have the proposed solution approved?
- How did you arrive at this answer?
- What method of monitoring progress will you use?
- What method of evaluation of success/failure will you use?
- What are the reasons in favor of implementation (summarized)?
- What is the group's recommendation?
- Most helpful choices?
- Correct label, title, and arrangement?
- Introduced and interpreted in text?
References: (APA formatted)APA Citation Style.htm (control+click to follow link)
Appendix (es).