1. What steps need to be taken to check for errors in data?
2. How do you describe the sample?
3 How do you check statistically for the characteristics of non-respondents?
4 What are properties of the data and assumptions underlying the technique(s) of analysis?
5 What do you do about missing data?
6 What is the purpose of a chi-square test?
7 What is the purpose of a t-test?
8 What is a Pearson product moment correlation?
9 What are correlation matrices, and why do you have them?
10 What are multivariate techniques of analysis? What is the difference in purpose between bivariate and multivariate analyses?
11 What is multiple regression?
12 What is moderated/interaction regression analysis: the ‘when' test?
13 What is mediated regression analysis: the ‘how' test?
14 What is logistic regression, and when is it used?
15 What is discriminant analysis, and when is it used?