
What statistical tests you would use to analyze the data


Factors Needed to Conduct a Longitudinal Data Analysis

Please help me with some insight into this assignment. Assume that you have been given grant money to conduct a longitudinal study in the research area of choice.


a) the hypotheses you would want to examine

b) how you would set up the design?

c) what statistical tests you would use to analyze the data?

d) the advantages of using a longitudinal design rather than a cross-sectional design to answer your hypothesis(es)

I question that I may research may be: There will be a positive effect on an elderly person's mood when participating with pet therapy once a week? This will be measured by using a mood (DV) evaluation scale to be documented prior to the pet (IV) coming and after the pet leaves. Looking at the odds ratio, I would look at if therapy made a difference in mood.

H0: There will be a positive effect on the mood of an elderly person after pet therapy.

H1: There will not be an effect on the mood of an elderly person after pet therapy.

My research designed would begin by looking for two particular nursing homes similar in population ranging from ages 65 - 100. I would collect random sample by use of lottery; 50 from each home.

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Other Subject: What statistical tests you would use to analyze the data
Reference No:- TGS01892173

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