Describe a situation in your work or personal life, either experienced or witnessed, in which a decision or action of moral gravity was made or taken. You may choose to write this to me or to any audience you specify (advice to a friend, for example). You may write this in the third person or the first person - whichever feels more right to you. This is your story, so you need to tell it in a way that makes sense to you and so that your discussion is clear to your reader. Once you have described the situation, please discuss your answers to the following questions:
• What stakeholders were affected by the decision or action?
• What would have been considered the "right" outcome? What would have been considered "wrong"? Why?
• To what ethical principle or principles was the person (or persons) who made the decision or took the action possibly adhering? Do these match yours today? Why/why not?
• What biases might have prevented the person (or persons) from making the best decision or taking the proper action?
• If there's an organization (company, institution, employer) in the situation, what might that organization have done to prevent and/or remedy the situation and ensure an ethical result?