
What stakeholders require communication what will be

Read the description below and complete. Must be between 850 and 1350 words. Correct attached to discuss a specific firm.

Content from Part 2 should be edited to take into account any instructor feedback. This is the feedback- Opportunities for improvement: "So that a company may reduce costs such as tax among many more costs, it may decide to put some of its money or even manufacture their goods. This process is called offshoring. " - Difficult to follow. First sentence is incomplete. A specific firm that went through offshoring was not researched. Good work discussing offshoring and transformational change but his needed to be applied to an actual real world example.

Transformational Change Management Plan

You will create an entire Transformational Change Management Plan for a medium-sized public company that has lost business to a competitor that has chosen to outsource much of its production operations. The company has been based in a small Midwestern town, it is one of the largest employers, and it has an excellent reputation for employee welfare. It is now planning to do the very same offshoring, which will involve large layoffs of long-term employees.

The project deliverables are as follows:

Part 2: Introduction

Part 2: What is driving the need for this transformational change?

Part 4: Theories of Change Management

Part 4: Communication Plan

Part 5: Implementation Plan

Create the following new material for Part 4:

Theories of Change Management (200-400 words)

Discuss at least 3 theories of change management (eg. Kotter, Lewin, Nadler, action research, and appreciative inquiry).

Include specific pros and cons of each.

What is the best way to ensure the implementation of an organizational change?

Communication Plan (100-150 words):

What stakeholders require communication?

What will be communicated to them?

Who will send the communication?

What communication medium will be used? minimum of 4 scholarly references

Please use APA.

Attachment:- Managing_Organizational_Change.rar

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Business Management: What stakeholders require communication what will be
Reference No:- TGS01709160

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