
What specifically worked well how do i know it worked well

What happened, what did the situation / issue involve?

  • What was I doing/involved? Where? When?
  •  Who was involved? How was I involved?
  •  What seems significant to pay attention to?


How well did it go (or not)? How well did I perform? How do I know it worked (or
didn't work)?

  •  What specifically worked well? How do I know it worked well?
  •  What specifically worked least well? Why do I think that?
  •  How did I feel, and what made me feel that way? How were others feeling, and
  • what made them feel that way?
  •  How did you respond emotionally / personally / behaviourally to the situation / issue


Which theories / bodies of knowledge are relevant to the situation / issue - and in
what ways?
 How does it connect with other personal / professional experiences you have had -
and in what way/s?

  • What is your explanation for what happened?
  • How does the relevant theory and/or research inform your thinking about this?
  •  What is the impact of different perspectives, eg. a personal perspective? patients'

perspectives? peers / colleagues' perspectives?

In summary, what do you think about this situation / issue?

  • What conclusions can you draw? How do you justify these?
  •  With hindsight, would you do something differently next time and why?
  • What has this taught you about professional practice? about yourself?
  • How will you use this experience to further improve your practice in the future?

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Basic Computer Science: What specifically worked well how do i know it worked well
Reference No:- TGS01244965

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