Assignment Task: Please select 3 different articles/readings from our reading list.
APA - 2 pages. Each article
Please respond to these questions:
Question 1: What reading did you choose and why?
Question 2: How does the reading specifically connect to Human Service Ethics?
Question 3: What is the author's/authors' main point?
Question 4: What is something that you learned from the reading? Please give a specific example.
Question 5: If you had an opportunity to have coffee or tea with the author, what questions would you ask about the article or the reading?
Question 6: What else would you like to add? Looking for Online Tutoring?
Reading List:
NASW Code of Ethics
McDonald, D., Boddy, J., O'Callaghan, K., & Chester, P. (2015). Ethical Professional Writing in Social Work and Human Services. Ethics and Social Welfare, 9(4), 359-374.
Witherell, C. S. (1997). "Real World" Ethics: Frameworks for Educators and Human Service Professionals. Journal of Moral Education, 26(2), 227
Ng, W. (2008). Virtual teamwork: students studying about ethics in an online environment. Research in Science & Technological Education, 26(1), 13.
Lee, M. Y., Mickelson, J., Quijada, L., & Orr, L. (2021). Transforming Lives of Former Foster Youths: A Campus-Based Support Program Grounded in Social Work Values. Social Work (New York), 66(3), 217-225.
Dore, I. (2019). Doing Knowing Ethically - Where Social Work Values Meet Critical Realism. Ethics and Social Welfare, 13(4), 377-391.