In paragraph 2 of Between Two Worlds, Nadia Mustafa and Jeff Chu use Logos to help readers understand how the Immigration and Nationality Act that President Johnson signed in 1965 affected immigration to the U.S. from Asian nations. What are some of the facts and statistics that the authors include in this paragraph?
What does the title of this article, Between Two Worlds mean in relation to the lives of the second-generation Asian-Americans interviewed in the article? Why do you think that the authors chose this title?
In the individual stories of the Asian-Americans interviewed in Between Two Worlds, we see many examples of Pathos. What are some of these examples? What specific words and phrases do the authors of the article use to appeal to readers emotions as they relate these individual stories?
Dilshad D. Alis article Raising My Kids to be Unapologetic American Muslims includes information on the values and morals that her parents taught her and that she is teaching her children. What are some of these examples of Ethos in the article? What types of values and morals does Ali want her children to have?