What specific steps and training could you complete

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After reading chapter-8 from the attached text book and as you have learned through your readings, closing a deal is both an art and a science. Due to the variability of the sales interaction, consultants must artfully apply the closing steps at the same time they are administering the steps scientifically when closing a deal. Conduct research on the art and science of closing a deal and write a reflection essay addressing the following:

• Choose either the artist or the scientist standpoint and explain why, in a consulting role, you would be more successful attacking the closing stage from that standpoint.

• Why would the method you did not choose, be more difficult for you to implement?

• What specific steps and/or training could you complete to improve your skills to strengthen both of these methods?

The response should include a reference list. Using double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Business Management: What specific steps and training could you complete
Reference No:- TGS03121551

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