
What specific problem will your research project explore

Suggested report title Staff turnover at due to job unsatisfied

Industry partner Who is your industry partner?

Note: You do not need to mention the organisation's name if you want to keep it confidential, just provide an overview of the organisation's background (industry, number of employees, your connection to the organisation - if any, etc.)

Overarching problem What specific problem does your industry partner face?

What specific problem will your research project explore and try to resolve?

Why is it important to solve this problem?

Overarching research aim Here you have to translate your industry partner's real problem into a specific research aim, which will guide your project.

What does your research aim to explore / investigate / do?

Research questions(s) Based on the overarching research aim, formulate more specific sub-questions your report will address.

What research question(s) will guide your research?

Data needs How will you find data?

No need for details just yet, just provide a general overview of what kinds of data you want to collect/analyse, e.g. surveys, in-depth interviews with key players, document analysis, etc.

Literature review: Keywords used for literature search What keywords will you use in your search for relevant literature, which will then be the foundation for your literature review?

Please note that unless you are doing a feasibility study, you must only use academic (peer-reviewed) journal articles. If you are doing a feasibility study, you will focus on industry reports rather than academic literature.

Literature review: Name 2 relevant articles Please reference 2 relevant articles you will use for your literature review.

Please note that unless you are doing a feasibility study, you must only use academic (peer-reviewed) journal articles. If you are doing a feasibility study, you will focus on industry reports rather than academic literature.

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Dissertation: What specific problem will your research project explore
Reference No:- TGS02625828

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