
What specific prices sales volumes market shares per pair


Doing a 3-year plan is thus an exercise in thinking strategically about your company's present position and future prospects, anticipating what market and competitive conditions are likely to prevail in the years just ahead, charting a course for the company to follow, establishing some performance targets to measure your company's progress in moving along the intended strategic path, and setting forth a strategy and accompanying set of financial projections.

You''ll be asked to project what specific prices, sales volumes, market shares, per pair costs, and profit margins it will probably take to achieve the strategic and financial objectives the company's management team has set.

Which will detail your three year strategic plan for years 14-16.

1. Stating a strategic vision for your company.

2. Establishing objectives for EPS, ROE, credit rating, image rating, and stock price appreciation each of the next three years.

3. Declaring what competitive strategy your company intends to pursue.

4. Preparing a "pro forma" income statement for the each of the next three years based on your projections of unit sales, revenues, costs, and profits in each of the four geographic regions during each year of the plan period.

If you have any questions about how to proceed, there is a Help page associated with each section of the 3-Year Strategic Plan.

The purpose of the 3-year plan is to have you and your co-managers to think ahead and consider what prices, sales volumes, and market shares it will take to meet or beat the targeted levels of performance that shareholders are expecting (and that are built into the Investor Expectations scoring standard).

Doing a 3-year plan is thus an exercise in thinking strategically about your company's present position and future prospects, anticipating what market and competitive conditions are likely to prevail in the years just ahead, charting a course for the company to follow, establishing some performance targets to measure your company's progress in moving along the intended strategic path, and setting forth a strategy and accompanying set of financial projections. You'll be asked to project what specific prices, sales volumes, market shares, per pair costs, and profit margins it will probably take to achieve the strategic and financial objectives the company's management team has set.

The 3-Year Plan will probably take 45-75 minutes to complete, depending on the speed at which you and your co-managers work and how long it takes you to reach a consensus on the content of the plan.

To prepare a 3-Year Strategic Plan, you must click on the 3-Year Strategic Plan item in the Decision/Reports Program menu - the item for the Plan will appear in the menu when it becomes available,

• nce Charts
• Corporate Citizenship
• Sales Forecast
• Plant Capacity / Upgrades
• Branded Production
• Branded Distribution
• Internet Marketing
• Wholesale Marketing
• Celebrity Endorsements
• Private-Label Operations
• Finance & Cash Flow
• Footwear Industry Report
• Page 1(Scoreboard)
• Page 2(EPS, ROE, Stock Price)
• Page 3(Credit Rating, Image, CSRC)
• Page 3b(Bonus Point Awards)
• Page 4(Overview, Plant Capacity)
• Page 5(Financial Summary)
• Page 6(Performance Benchmarks)
• Page 7(Celebrities, Price Trends)
• Competitive Intelligence Rep
• Market Snapshot
• Company Analysis
• Company Operating Reports
• Plant Operations Report
• Distribution & Warehouse Report
• Marketing & Admin, Private-Label
• Income Statement
• Balance Sheet & Cash Flow
• Data Export / Reset Options
• Export Options & Data Reset

Performance Charts
Net RevenuesNet RevenuesY10Y11Y12$240$248$256$264$272YearMillions of Dollars
Year Net Revenues
Y10 $250
Y11 $244
Y12 $264
Earning Per ShareEPSInvestor ExpectationY10Y11Y12$2.2$2.7$3.2$3.7$4.2Yearin Dollars
Year EPS Investor Expectation
Y10 $2.50 $2.50
Y11 $2.54 $2.85
Y12 $4.14 $3.05
Return on EquityROEInvestor ExpectationY10Y11Y1212%15%18%21%24%YearROE
Year ROE Investor Expectation
Y10 15.0% 15.0%
Y11 15.9% 15.0%
Y12 22.1% 15.0%
Stock PriceStockPriceInvestor ExpectationY10Y11Y12$20$30$40$50$60YearDollars Per Share
Year Stock Price Investor Expectation
Y10 $30.00 $30.00
Y11 $30.36 $34.25
Y12 $55.27 $36.75
Credit RatingCreditRatingInvestor ExpectationY10Y11Y12C-CC+B-BB+A-AA+YearCredit Rating
Year Credit Rating Investor Expectation
Y10 A- B+
Y11 B+ B+
Y12 A- B+
Image RatingImageRatingInvestor ExpectationY10Y11Y126063666972YearImage Rating
Year Image Rating Investor Expectation
Y10 70 70
Y11 67 70
Y12 63 70
Global Unit SalesInternetSalesWholesaleSalesPrivate-Label SalesY10Y11Y1201,5003,0004,5006,000YearUnit Sales
Year Internet Sales Wholesale Sales Private-Label Sales
Y10 $226 $4,276 $740
Y11 $266 $4,308 $740
Y12 $271 $4,955 $0
Global Market ShareGlobal Market ShareY10Y11Y1216%16%17%17%17%YearMarket Share
Year Global Market Share
Y10 16.7%
Y11 17.2%
Y12 16.3%

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Project Management: What specific prices sales volumes market shares per pair
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