
What specific populations might struggle more with self

The following is a list of questions for your final examination.

Provide an overview of social cognitive theory, including the role of self efficacy, reciprocal causation, self regulation, modeling and characteristics of effective models, and vicarious learning.

When is social cognitive theory applicable in an educational or training situation?

Why might you want to use strategies based upon this theory with specific populations? Please be sure to provide examples.

2.Provide an overview and explanation of self regulation and discuss why this is so important for learners and employees to possess.

What specific populations might struggle more with self regulation and how can you promote it?

Discuss the examples of at risk students and online learners and how self regulation plays an important role in both.

3. Explain a task analysis.

Provide an example of a task analysis.

Describe why a cognitive task analysis can be a valuable assessment tool.

4. What is cooperative learning?

Provide an example of a cooperative learning activity either in a face to face classroom or in a technology based environment.

Explain why cooperative learning is important in the classroom and especially for learners from collectivist cultures. How does cooperative learning increase learner motivation?

5. Describe the differences between norm referenced and criterion referenced exams.

What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of each, and when is each more useful than the other?

What have been some of the main complaints about standardized tests and considering their many drawbacks, why are they still used?

What other approaches might be used instead of, or in addition to standardized tests? Why might this be useful?

Each response should be 1-2 pages (approximately 250-500 words double spaced with one inch margins all around, using 12 point Times New Roman or similar font). Be sure to use APA style citations to identify your sources of information. It is fine to provide links to online sources if you wish.

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Dissertation: What specific populations might struggle more with self
Reference No:- TGS01556050

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