
What specific interventions or program were evaluated what

Assignment: Measurement and Evaluation in Health Education

Find the Evaluation Article in the attached file. Also, this find the instructions of the paper below.

• Summary: The summary of the article should address these questions

• What are the author's main points?
• What specific interventions or program were evaluated?
• What measures or statistics were used?
• What were the findings?
• What were the author's conclusions?
• Professional Critique: The professional critique should discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the methodology and the design of the evaluation that was conducted in the article.

• Did the evaluation address the "seven questions?"
• What are some possible strengths of this article?
• What are some possible limitations of this article?
• What questions are raised for future health education or health promotion programs based on this article?
• What was the importance of these findings?
• Personal Critique: The personal critique incorporates your thoughts and opinion of the article.

• What did you find most interesting about this article?
• How did this article help or not help your understanding of the evaluation process?
• Any other comments that you think are important for a colleague to know about this article.
• References: The reference page should list the proper citation for the article and any addition sources that you might have cited in the article. For example, you might have referred to the text book to discuss a specific type of evaluation or the "seven questions."

The appropriate citation for the article (APA 6.0 format) must be provided so that I can retrieve the article. Please note that if I cannot retrieve your article, then you will receive an "F" for the assignment. Furthermore, you must use in text citations for this review and paraphrase the information.

Article: Evaluation of Community Action Against Asthma: A Community Health Worker Intervention to Improve Children's Asthma-Related Health by Reducing Household Environmental Triggers for Asthma by Edith A. Parker, Barbara A. Israel, Thomas G. Robins, Graciela Mentz, Xihong Lin, Wilma Brakefield-Caldwell, Erminia Ramirez, Katherine K. Edgren, Maria Salinas and Toby C. Lewis.

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Dissertation: What specific interventions or program were evaluated what
Reference No:- TGS02667861

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