What specific historical question you like to investige

Problem 1: Describe your level of knowledge about history at the beginning of the semester, both in terms of content knowledge and in your ability to read and interpret primary documents. Next, read back over your own discussion board assignments from the first 3-4 weeks of the semester. What do you notice? How would you improve them if you had the chance? Be specific about the extent that you could improve your 6 C analysis.

Problem 2: If you had the time, what specific historical question would you like to investigate further?

Describe the topic in detail, as well as the kinds of sources you would use to research that question. This answer should demonstrate that you understand the difference between primary and secondary research materials.

Problem 3: Finally, we are living through a global crisis at this moment. What time period from our course do you think is most relevant to today? What connections do you see? How might that previous era teach us something about today (either to strive for or avoid)? Use supporting evidence from class and/or the textbook to make your argument.

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