
What solution would you propose here what do you think the

Assignment: Introduction to Human Performance Technology

Case Study 11: Here comes the HD ATM!

Bank of the Future (BOTF) is a new banking institution that is known for its cutting-edge use of technology as applied to customer services. Its online presence and banking services are considered the most advanced in the industry.

BOTF's executive team is justifiably proud of the bank's reputation and they want to ensure that it remains intact. This means continually searching for new areas in which to innovate and provide services that no other banks provide.

Last week, Cash Systems Incorporated (CSI) gave the BOTF executive team a demonstration of their latest generation ATM generation. These ATMs not only dispense cash, they also allow customers to do things like apply for loans, increase credit limits and many other services not normally associated with ATMs. The BOTF was very excited by this demonstration and after much discussion, they have agreed to purchase 5 of these devices for a pilot program in Phoenix and Las Vegas.

The downside is that these new ATMs need to be programmed from scratch as CSI does not provide operating system services. They only provide the low-level software for security and other services. The top-level user interface needs to be provided by the appropriate bank that purchases the machine. This top level interface is usually a Linux-driven design and BOTF has an excellent team of programmers that can easily create the required screens for this.

The BOTF executive team is concerned however about the "user experience" and has decided to call you as one of the industry's most renowned Learning Technologists for your advice. Among their concerns is that users of these new machines will not know how to appropriately navigate through all the options and could even make costly mistakes by hitting the wrong keys and/or options. They want to know from you what kind of training (if any) users would need to ensure minimal to non-existent user errors.

What solution would you propose here? What do you think the cost of this solution would be? Could you guarantee zero user errors?

You will need to present your strategy proposal to a Management Review Committee (MRC) who will have the ultimate approval authority for your project.

Case Study 11:


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Business Management: What solution would you propose here what do you think the
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