What solution to victors melancholy is suggested


Frankenstein - After reading to the end of the novel:

A. There is dramatic irony at the beginning of chapter 18. What is the reason for Victor's melancholy?What does his father assume is the reason?

B. What solution to Victor's melancholy is suggested?

C. Where does Victor travel to to creat a second, female, creature?

D. Who is Victor's travel companion?

E. What is their first stop in England?

F. What history do Victor and his companion take in as they travel the country?

G. Where does Victor finally settle by himself to fullfill his promise to the creature?

H. Victor is deeply troubled by the idea of creating a female creature. This becomes stronger as he gets closer and closer to success. What concerns does he articulate in chapter 20?

I. What is the final prompt that causes Victor to destroy the female creature before completion?

J. How does Victor end up in Ireland?

K. What is Victor accused of upon his arrival? How is it ultimately disproven?

L. In regards to his creation, what does Victor determine to do?

M. Why is Victor's father in such a rush to have Victor and Elizabeth married?

N. What happens on Victor's wedding night?

O. To whom does Victor finally confess to about his creation?

P. How does the creature torment Victor as Victor gives chase?

Q. What does Victor find out about the creature in the remote northern hamlet? (on page 255)

R. How does the novel conclude with regards to Victor and the creature?

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English: What solution to victors melancholy is suggested
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