
What social responsibility should be required of an

Question: There are five movie topics below. For each movie; Answer the questions on each page, give an opinion about each movie, an overall summary of how you where moved by the movie, a personal experience, Be Clare as to question in answered in each movie. NB. Please to provide answerers to each movie topic in a separate word document file with reference page. The teacher must see critical thinking going into each paper for maximum points. Each answer to each movies must be one page plus a reference page for each. APA format is a must front 12 Times Roman.

1. Tucker: The Man and His Dreams

• What was Tucker's dream? Did he succeed? Why, or why not?

• What was his strategy?

- Low-cost provider

- Broad differentiation

- Focused low-cost

- Focused differentiation

- Best-cost provider

2. The Social Network

• How did the birth of an idea become the face of human interaction for a generation and, perhaps, forever?

• What was the chosen strategy to accomplish this?

• What was Mark's vision and how clearly was it understood by those who had to implement it?

3. Gasland

• What social responsibility should be required of an industry that produces gas?

How harmful is the production of gas to the environment?

How potentially harmful can it be to we humans?

Are the companies that benefit from fracking, etc. morally or ethically operating negatively for the common good?

Do you believe in climate change and whether or not the use of fossil fuels contributes to it?

4. Charlie Bartlett

• What is Charlie's vision?

• What is Charlie's mission?

• What is Charlie's strategy?

• What kind of core values does Charlie have?

• What are your overall feelings about Charlie?

• Can you, or do you, believe that humor may, or can, teach us a memorable lesson?

5. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

• Utter moral vacuum that posed as corporate philosophy

• What was their business strategy?

• What were their core values?

• Why do you think they were able to pull this off?

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Marketing Management: What social responsibility should be required of an
Reference No:- TGS02756293

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