
What social-psychological functions do horror films fulfill

To answer the exam’s questions please try to find the book (Mass Communication Theory) Authors : Stanley J . Baran and Dennis K . Davis . Sixth edition.

1. Four major theoretical perspectives were discussed in class and in your textbook. Identify all four and explain them. Which of the four perspectives best fits your research agenda/research interests? Why?  (20 pts)

2. Put the following citation information into proper APA format as a bibliographic citation: (5 pts each; total of 10 pts)

a. Authors: Fred Joseph Lascowitz and Jennifer Goodwin and Jane Jean Jacobson

Title of Book: Learning to Love Graduate School: One Day at A Time

The book is 500 pages long.

Publisher: BCA Books, which is based in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan in the United States

By the way, this book was published in 1983.

b. The same authors also published a journal article with the same title as the book. It was published in the Journal of Loquacious  Verbosity in the fall issue, which I s number 5.  It was the 8th volume.  The article was 100 pages long and started on page 55 of the journal.

3. The following are Hypotheses or Research Questions. Tell me which theory you would use to investigate each.  Support your choice and explain why it is the best theoretical foundation for the subject matter. Do not use the same theory for more than one of the RQs/Hs.

a. RQ: What criteria do college students use when deciding whether or not to tweet or retweet something on Twitter?

b. RQ: What social and psychological functions do horror films fulfill for their audience members?

c. H: Individuals who play violent video games are likely to believe other people are more negatively impacted by such gaming images and experiences than they themselves are.

d. H: Representations in the television series “Undercover Boss” serve to keep working class people satisfied with their low-paying jobs.

e. H: The hit television series “Scandal” features a strong female lead, yet reinforces patriarchal values through its narrative.

f. H: A conservative Republican is more likely to choose to listen to Rush Limbaugh (a conservative radio talk show host) than a liberal talk show host.

4. Reception studies look at how an audience receives mediated messages. Hall argues that all media messages are polysemic.  What does this mean? What are dominant, negotiated and oppositional readings? Explain, then give an example of a piece of media content (any type; any content) and tell me what the dominant, negotiated and oppositional reading might be.

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Accounting Basics: What social-psychological functions do horror films fulfill
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