
What social problems have emerged in policyville

Assignment task:

Recently, a variety of social problems have emerged in Policyville. The town's main employer has decided to move to Mexico, leaving behind a 16% unemployment rate. While many residents were displaced with the company's move, the majority found new jobs. They, however, are largely low wage jobs in the service sector that provide few benefits. The official poverty rate in Policyville now stands at 15%. Many of Policyville's middle class residents are leaving the area due to an increase in visible social problems. Crime is on the upswing and homelessness has become more visible. In addition, longtime residents complain that young men and women congregate on corners smoking strange herbs from their gardens. The high school dropout rate has been increasing steadily. Demographic changes have also brought additional stressors to Policyville. Woman have traditionally stayed home with small children, but now two incomes are needed in order to meet the family's expenses. Some argue that this has led to increasing instances of child neglect, as many cannot afford private daycare. Other complain about the increase in single parent households. In addition, Policyville has witnessed a rise in ethnic tensions. Traditionally the community was largely Italian, Irish and African American. More recently however, Latinos and a smaller number of Southeast Asians have moved to the area. Some longtime community residents believe that the newcomers have 'stolen' their jobs. Moreover, due to larger international tensions, Policyville's Southeast Asian population has been the subject to a greater than normal amount of hostility and discrimination. Despite its problems, there remains a strong sense of community in Policyville. There is a strong religious community in Policyville. Develop a social welfare policy plan including benefits and social services that would be available for residents. Include how the program will be funded (i.e., private sector, public taxes). You also need to think about who the recipient of the services and support will be. Is everyone entitled to the same level of assistance? Make your choices in a conscious, deliberate manner with an eye how they will affect the community dynamics

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