
What social pressures does the group exert upon you to

1. Think about a social group you belong to. What social pressures does the group exert upon you to alter your visual perception and interpretation of events. Explain.

2. Over the past week, you have probably been involved in several group social settings. After thinking about what is a group - provide an example of how social influence works in your social group. Provide the operational definition you see in your social group and explain it in the behavior of the group.

3. Looking at smaller groups. We are taking a look at the social self as it relates to the group. Think about a group you belong to. How did you move from interpersonal to intergroup self-categorization? Explain.

4. As groups go through changes, there is always unrest in change. As the roles within the group change within the group - it is hard to maintain a sense of order - at least initially. Many formal groups have group rules for new members to help avoid this type of issue. Think about membership rules when you join a gym or when you join some other formal group. Those are in place to help everyone make the transition to new members more smoothly. In informal groups we do not have the same method of dealing with new members - so is there a strategy you can employ in order ease the transition for new members? Thoughts?

5. From doing a quick search and finding an article that provides an example of how people adhere to groups norms for behavior in their group. Explain how it is happening as defined in the article. Be sure to give us your reference.

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Financial Accounting: What social pressures does the group exert upon you to
Reference No:- TGS02511229

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