As a rapidly developing topic, genetic testing is considered as one of the most controversial business lines in our modern world. CBC reports that "Several DNA testing companies warn users that results could provide unexpected or unwelcome information, and not just surprises about ethnicity and unknown siblings. For instance, some people learn their father is not their biological parent. You may learn information about yourself that you did not anticipate, warns 23andMe, a testing company. This information may evoke strong emotions and has the potential to alter your life and worldview. However, this is only the positive side of this business. There are legal, ethical, and social aspects that require deep thoughts (watch the YouTube Videos "DNA Testing Companies Are After Your Most Private Data" and "Hacking Your DNA: The Big Business - And Risk - Of Home Tests | Think | NBC News")
A. While provide a brief history of DNA-testing business and its recent developments, please explain what social, legal, and ethical consideration around this new business field are?
B. What are the Social, Legal, and Ethical implications of Genetic Testing business? Explore and explain the privacy concerns in detail.
C. A DNA testing company that tells clients their genetic ancestry is approached by police for help in an investigation. Explain what privacy issues are at stake and under what conditions the company should help the police (in your justified opinion).