
What social class does luke sanderson originate

Problem 1: What are Dr. Montague's goals in setting up this "experiment" at Hill House? Why doesn't he want to tell the others about the house initially? (pp. 42, 47-50) What might his absence from the house when the others arrive tell you about his character?

Problem 2: From what social class does Luke Sanderson originate? As the Hill House owners' family representative, what does Luke's personal character imply about the family that owns the place? Look closely at the scene of introductions (pp. 41-49). How does each character introduce him- or herself? What does this tell you about them?

Problem 3: Contrast Theodora with Eleanor. How does she react to Hill House? (pp. 30-39) What makes you think makes Eleanor attach herself to Theodora so quickly?

Problem 4: What additional qualities of Eleanor's personality become apparent during the first night and morning at Hill House? For example, what can you make of her bizarre observation on p. 60 concerning her identity?

Problem 5: Where can you note friction between Eleanor and the other characters in the novel? For instance, on p. 72, why does Eleanor suddenly think that the others are all "like children"? What conflicts have already begun, however subtly, between Eleanor and Theodora?

Problem 6: How does each member of the group respond to the first truly frightening experiences of their stay in Hill House (i.e. the banging and the strange dog)? Does Theodora or Eleanor seem more frightened during their ordeal? What do you make of Dr. Montague's ominous suggestion on p. 99 that Hill House is trying to "separate" them from one another?

Problem 7: What strange reaction do all of the group members demonstrate on the morning after the events of Ch. 4? How does Dr. Montague attempt to explain this reaction on p. 102? What picture of the supernatural does he attempt to paint here?

Problem 8: Why does Eleanor become so upset about Theodora's repeated use of the house's name on pp. 90-1? What personality traits do the group members ascribe to the house here?

Problem 9: How can we account for Eleanor's bizarre sense of joy in being in Hill House at the beginning of Ch. 5? How might this emotional response connect to the strange messages that begin to appear on the walls?

Problem 10: In a few words, attempt to describe the nature of the haunting at Hill House. Based on how it has manifested itself so far, what sort of presence seems to be there? How do Hugh Crain's book and the picnic scene in the garden affect your understanding of the house's "ghosts"?

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