
What social changes must occur if people are to be paid

Q#1: Written Assignment :Part One: Take a simple survey of 10 people. Ask them if they are aware of the gender wage gap. If they answer "no", then inform them of the wage difference between men and women on the basis of gender alone. Record your responses and include them in the submission.

Part Two: Discuss the social factors involved in the continued discrimination against women in the United States with regard to equal pay for equal work. What social changes must occur if people are to be paid without regard to their gender? In other words, how do we get rid of the gender wage gap?

Cite your references properly. You must use the textbook and at least one other scholarly source.


Discussion Question: Is the Electoral College still viable? Is this the best way to elect the President and Vice-President of the United States? If so, why?

If you think not, can you suggest a different system? Support your ideas and suggestions with data from cited sources.

. Discussion Questions are designed to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your critical thinking and analytical skills. There is no one correct response to any of these questions. But, there are many incorrect responses. I am NOT looking for your opinion. Make your case, or argument, or whatever the DQ calls for, in a logical and scholarly way. Develop critical analysis rather than descriptions. I want you to support your statements with text book references and outside sources when applicable.

Q#3: Open discussion :Post your thoughts on topics covered this week. You may focus on any topic you find interesting. Use legitimate reference sources to support your views and comments. Legitimate source include the textbook, academic journals, reliable websites like CNN, MSNBC, NPR, BBC, and Mexico News Daily. Do not use blogs or unsubstantiated sources.

Open Discussion Board points are earned when you post something relevant on the site. This site is designed so that students may discuss things that are in the news and/or may not be covered in depth in the chapters, or that are interesting and topical. Here are some ideas:

You may have read an article on a website that relates to the class in some way. Post the website and give a summary of the article. Tell us why it is relevant.

Contribute to a post that is already there. Add significant additional information or a rebuttal, supported by reference material.

If you see a news report on TV, YouTube, or other media, site it and discuss it.

While you have a lot of freedom on the Open Discussion Board, you still must support your statements with academic sources.


Video Chat: Is spanking a good way to discipline children? Or is it abusive? Support your views with cited references.

Video Chat Posts. There are many opportunities to respond to questions posed for the Video Chat assignments. Prompts can be found in the Weekly Modules. Each post is worth up to 10 points. Posts should be written at a college level of sophistication with correct grammar and spelling. I am looking for responses that are analytical and include sociological terminology. No opinions, please. Use of references is expected. Type your response in the "reply" space.


Discussion Question: Is marriage obsolete? Why or why not? Support your response with cited references.

Discussion Questions are designed to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your critical thinking and analytical skills. There is no one correct response to any of these questions. But, there are many incorrect responses. I am NOT looking for your opinion. Make your case, or argument, or whatever the DQ calls for, in a logical and scholarly way. Develop critical analysis rather than descriptions. I want you to support your statements with text book references and outside sources when applicable.

After you compose and submit your response you will have access to other students' responses. Read three or four of them. Then compose comments to one of those students that relate to their response. "I agree with you." will not earn points. Make your comments substantial and meaningful.

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Dissertation: What social changes must occur if people are to be paid
Reference No:- TGS02937841

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