As you complete the research paper, assess your assignment. It should include:
1. A description of your topic and relevance to the course
Introduction should provide an overview of the paper
Clearly stated research question
2. The background, current, and future issues related to your topic (if applicable)
a. Explain the background/history of the topic. What events, laws, policies, etc. have been related to the topic?
b. How do these factors describe why your topic is an important social issue today?
c. What are the current policies, debates, controversies, etc. related to the topic?
d. How does the topic affect contemporary society?
e. What social change do you predict will occur in relation to this topic in the future?
2. The course materials and social theories that relate to your topic.
a. Integrate sociological theories in analysis of topic
b. How does your topic relate to the course and readings?
c. Include specific references to course materials and other sources in analysis (include APA-formatted in-text citations
3. Critical analysis of topic
a. Provide in-depth analysis of the topic
b. Discuss the relationship between gender and your selected topic
c. Provide a conclusion with summary of findings and address related future research options
Afiiii reading the text, you would know that the early Japanese immigrants in Hawaii in the middle of the 19th century and California in the late 19th century felt ____ toward the early Chinese immigrants.