What skills did you learn in each job

Discussion Post

Most people have several jobs over their lifetimes. Give a brief description of two or more of the jobs you've already had. Without revealing private information, explain if the job was part-time or full-time and address the following questions.

1. What skills were required to perform your best?

• To what extent were agility, problem solving, and technology skills necessary for success?

2. What skills did you learn in each job?

• How did learning these skills contribute to improving your ability to be effective in your work?

3. Did these new skills increase your human capital?

4. If you haven't yet had a job, describe the type of career you hope to have after finishing school.

• How will agility, problem solving, and technology skills be a vital part of your success in this type of career?

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: What skills did you learn in each job
Reference No:- TGS03179195

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